So I was visiting several blogs yesterday and came across one that had me laughing out loud. Now this blog wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but there’s an immediate disclaimer at the top letting you know whether you’d want to proceed or not. I proceeded and took it with a grain of salt, the way I’ve learned to do in blog land. I love how people write and totally share themselves. This has been lots of fun and I hope to be doing this for awhile. Anyway, I’m gonna steal the idea for this post from
Todd….hope he reads it.
8 Requirements are:
1. Loves the Lord.I know this will turn some off right away, but hear me out. Why not want a man who knows and loves God. I’m sorry but there are a lot of men out there who have no values or morals. I’m not faulting them, it’s our society, but I want someone who believes that God is deity and will want Him to be a focus for our future.
2. I need laughter. If a man wants to get me interested in him, he has got to make me laugh. And I don’t want Jim Carey humor; I want Joey, Chandler, Ross humor (damn I wanted to be Rachel, Phoebe and Monica)! My friends know that to get me out of any funk, they just gotta make me laugh. Fag knows how to do this (see one of my previous posts about my friends).
3. Challenge me.I know I have strong opinions and probably no one at this point in my life could change what I know and feel, but lets talk about it. Don’t try to change me, just challenge me and make me think about what it is you’re trying to say. It doesn’t have to be an argument, or that I’m not respecting what you’re saying, just let it be that we agree to disagree.
4. Know who you are.I can’t stand weak men who feel the need to belittle women because they have no self confidence. Just because you failed at that job, or you failed to provide for your children, or you’re failing with relationships, don’t take it out on me. Figure it out and then start dating – otherwise keep your ass at home.
5. Love this package – embrace it.I know I’m not every ones cup of tea. I’m short (5’1”), a size 16/18, but I’ve got the right packaging in the right places. My double D’s definitely offset the junk in my trunk. If you don’t like it, don’t bother and definitely don’t try to change it. I’ve been this size for almost 10 years now and until I want to change it, don’t you try to.
6. Be reliable.If you say you’re gonna do it, then do it. If you say you’ll be there, then be there. If you bet me and you lose, then pay up no matter what. It’s that simple.
7. Be stable.Have a job and pay your bills. I’ve raised my sons and now that they’re on their own, I don’t feel I need to take care of anyone else. I don’t expect you to have money (although it’d be nice), I just expect that what you do have, you handle it responsibly.
8. Be ready for a horny woman.There, I’ve said it. Don’t think that just ‘cause I love the Lord, I don’t like sex. (Brit – close your eyes). I can’t wait until someone bones me again, on a consistent basis! I miss and want it so badly, that the man who does get me, will be very satisfied. And I don’t want some pansy who thinks he has to be gentle….
I guess the only other factors that I could add are having a love for music (as long as it’s not country) and having a love for the Steelers (although not required if you already have a team). Well there you go….surprised??