Popsicle Toes

Yup, I have 'em. But everything else is as warm as hot apple pie (it might have something to do w/the peri-menopausal thing going on w/me.)

Saturday, February 25, 2006

I just had an out of body experience....

an average Friday night for me might be happy hour w/the girls, dinner and a movie w/the girls...etc., etc., something w/the girls. Not last night! Last night I was with the BOYS and not just any boys...I'm talking Pittsburgh Steelers!! I personally met Jerome Bettis, Heinz Ward, and Cordell Stewart, and snuck in a couple of back rubs to Ben Roethlisberger. I know - it's surreal, but it's true. There were other players there but I didn't get to meet them, I'm just thankful for the few I did shake hands with and smile at and drool over....:)

Ok, explanation...my brother is part owners of a nightclub in Vegas called OPM in Caesar's Forum Shops and he called me a couple of weeks ago to tell me my Steelers (specifically Jerome) had booked his b-day party there. What's a Steeler fan to do, but bug baby brother everyday for two weeks to make sure they were going to be there. They were and, I can't explain it, but I felt like I had one of the happiest nights of my life...I know it's stupid, but I'm one of the millions who actually got starstruck by the headlights on "the Bus." Peace out. I'm on my way to an EWF concert at Sandia Casino....(I KNOW!!!!)

p.s. shout out to Todd - sorry you couldn't make it. Maybe next time :)

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Are you 26 again (no really, I'm 46....)

I've digressed. Lately, I just want a man. So what if I want them to be hot like these men . . .is it so wrong.....really.....??? I believe these are the hottest of hot out there right now, so sue me.

Edgar Ramirez - Domino (when I watched this movie w/him - aahh crap, I can't say....)
Christian Bale - Batman Begins (there's a smokiness about him that makes me crazy)
Heinz Ward - Steelers (Annette Ward-I think it fits)
Troy Polamalu - Steelers (Annette Polamalu-even better!!)
Derek Jeter - Yankees (He's almost too beautiful)
Simon Baker - Something New (the kissing in this movie is soooo hot)
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson (he's just manly, like you know he'll just take care of his woman)
Mark Wahlberg - Italian Job (washboard...need I say more)
Jason Statham - Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (handsome Rob...)
Jason Lewis - Sex & the City (sweetness beyond sweetness)
Gary Dourdan - CSI (LIPS)
Orlando Bloom - Pirates (I don't care if he's young)
Tiki Barber - Giants (you had me at that smile)
Carlos Sanchez - ok, no link, but I want this man (he's flower boy)
Viggo Mortensen - History of Violence (he took his woman on the stairs and it was hot)
James Caviezel - The Passion of the Christ (geez, maybe I should have put Count of Monte Cristo instead)
Clive Owen - King Arthur (sexiness)
Ioan Gruffudd - King Arthur (more sexiness w/curlier hair)
Hugh Jackman - X-men (Wolverine means animal...ummmm)
Eric Bana - Munich (tall drink of water)

agree? any others?? ok, I'm off to Vegas and I hope to be riding the bus....(that was for you fag) :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Know What's the Best....

...a great night of sleep. Am I just getting old that sleep is now important to me? You know what sucks, waking up at 2:30 a.m. and knowing you have to get up at 5:00. But it sucks even more when you can't fall back asleep and you watch 3:00, 3:15, 4:00....

KWB: Having your friends over for dinner with candles being the only light in the house.
KWS: Having your mom show up (to give me a valentine-is it possible to be sweet and a pain?) and have her rudely say "can you please turn on some lights so I can see!"

KWB: Spending the day in Santa Fe w/same friends and enjoying shopping without buying anything.
KWS: Regretting not buying that dang red purse!

KWB: Driving 110 back from Santa Fe for no reason other than your car just likes to go fast.
KWS: Being back in time to watch the best show in the world, Grey's Anatomy, and forgetting about it because you go to friends house and drink wine instead!

KWB: Going to church w/best friend, not paying attention to sermon, saying something to her about some girls shoes w/white elephantitis socks and have her respond by showing me her white socks! I just about had to leave because I'm so immature when I get the giggles, but at least it wasn't just me-she had tears streaming from her eyes too.
KWS: Finding out the next morning that our pastor resigned and his last sermon I should have been listening, I was too busy laughing.

KWB: Having your friends call you to tell you this news.
KWS: Having your friends call you to tell you this news.

KWB: Attending the same church for the past 10 years and feeling like it's a home away from home.
KWS: That our pastor is leaving because of politics within the church. It goes to show that we cannot look to men, only to God for our strength and convictions.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Last night....

I played darts for the first time since I left Virginia almost 15 years ago. I worked for DOD and it was the best job I ever had, a fixed wing unit at Ft. Belvoir. Anyway, every day at 2:00 we'd close down operations and go to our break room and play darts until we left at 4:00 (and if that got boring, we'd use the hangar for chair basketball). I forgot until last night, how much I loved that game. Chris, Pat and I started just throwing them and eventually Mark came over (he was totally interested in Chris) and reminded me how to actually keep score. I loved it. I can't wait to go back and play again. Next time though, it needs to be when I don't have to come in to work the next day since I'm running on only four hours of sleep.

So we make a pit stop before leaving (after Chris and Mark exchange numbers) and we're all talking about what a nice guy he is, great conversationalist, totally paid for all three of us girls all night (not just Chris). Just a great guy, and he was actually closer in age to us (younger of course but closer). He's in the military, stationed at Holloman. Back to the bathroom - Chris now tells us that she just didn't find him attractive (I thought he was cute especially after talking to him all night - and I wasn't drunk, I was drinking water the last three hours). So I'm the first one out of the stall and washing my hands when the last stall opens and out comes this gal that was with Marks' friend all night. She heard everything we said. Next comes Pat and I motion to her w/my eyes to shut it and Chris is still just yakking away. When she finally comes out I motion to her, she wanted to die. She's not cruel and she felt like a heel at that point. What do you do? You shut up and act like the leper isn't in the room (anyway, that's what we did). I just hope this girl didn't go and blab and possibly hurt Mark's feelings.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

For the ladies...(or cannoli lovers :)...you know who you are)

LADIES: Turned ON or OFF or doesn't matter when a guy:

Is taller than you: on, but everyone is taller than me
Wears braces: doesn't matter
Dresses preppie: doesn't matter
Dresses Ghetto: on, i don't know why??
Has green eyes: on
Has blue eyes: on
Has hazel eyes: on
Has Brown eyes: on...it's a boy, it doesn't matter!
Smokes pot: off, i've got a clearance
Wears glasses: doesn't matter
Has a tan: doesn't matter
Plays sports: on
Smiles a lot: definitely on
Calls you just to say hi: or emails, on
Compliments you: big on
Shaves his legs: off, unless it's Edgar Ramirez, he can do anything he wants
Wears jewelry: mostly off
Has facial hair: if kept clean, on
Smiles when you walk in the room: huh, on!
Has brown hair: doesn't matter
Has Black hair: doesn't matter
Has blonde hair: doesn't matter
Has red hair: again, if it's a boy, doesn't matter, he could be bald for all i care
Makeup: off, unless it's one of my fav actors
Can make you laugh at any given moment: HUGE ON
Loyal: on
Plays drums: doesn't matter, all musicians are special
Sings: BIG turn on
He's buff: on, but doesn't matter
He can draw: doesn't matter
Doesn't eat meat: off
Laughs a lot: BIG on
Has piercings: on
Smokes cigs: off
Is comfortable around you: on
Holds your hand: would be an on if it would happen

so, any others??

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Have you ever been dreaming and were laughing so hard in the dream that you woke yourself up. I do this all the time, but this morning is still fresh in my mind so I'm telling you about it. I was dreaming I was in my baby sisters kitchen (which I have no idea if it was since I've never been in her kitchen in England), and I was standing in front of this beautiful half-moon shaped island sink. I pick up what I thought was a water gun (the larger pump kind) and starting pumping away. Well nothing was coming out of it, I thought. After about the tenth pump, my sister yells at me from behind and said "ok, this would be really funny if it wern't so cold." Well I didn't understand what she meant until I looked at her and she was soaked??? It still didn't register and then I figured out that I had the gun backwards so I turned it around and pumped it and the water flew out at my face. My sister and I were laughing sooooo hard that I woke myself up. I love dreams like that...to wake up so happy.

shopping w/girlfriend and finding the dishes you've been wanting, on sale!

opening b-day gift from same girlfriend and it's the ring that you wanted 6 months before (not your ordinary run of the mill ring-something that you will to someone when you die!!).

having dinner w/five of your best friends in the world and having them laugh at you as you sit on the saddle of some stupid prop the restaraunt has for b-day guests.

having those friends know you so well that every gift they give you is perfect, in every way.

watching a movie w/same friends and lyao because the movie feels like your life.

going to another movie in the same night and getting punch drunk w/dorky fag friend (see previous post about her) who knows how to say just the right thing to start the giggles (am I 16 again??).

coming home and hearing the magical words "you've got mail" and it had to be from my hot boy (the one who finally made a statement by giving me flowers, at work-that is a statement right?).

is it any wonder I woke up laughing this morning....I'm so blessed.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

46 Years Young....

I'm soooo happy today. For whatever reason, 45 was harder for me to digest, but I'm embracing 46. Plus, I'm wearing my new gold/pearl necklace from my sisters and brother. They're awesome (actually it was Binnie who bought it - hopefully the others will pay up!)

p.s. guess who brought me flowers!! :)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Friends?? WTH!

In the infamous words of Berger (to Miranda in SATC), "he's just not that in to you."

So after he visits in my office for an hour and then flirts w/me on email, he couldn't understand why his touching me (which he does all the time) made me react w/a puzzled look. "Why the reaction?" he asks. "Because you confuse me - because I honestly don't know where I stand w/you. I feel like you're attracted to me since you do always try to touch me in subtle ways, but you've never called me, you've not asked me out....you confuse me and I don't like being confused."

"A, right now I'm happy being your friend...I hope you are too..."

Yeah, sure, whatever!

I wrote him back after I had the weekend to think about it and said "also, I've had the weekend to think about this friend thing, and so what? Friends can call each other, friends can go out and enjoy each others company, friends can just hang out and watch movies and eat popcorn. I'm not ever expecting that you and I would do any of these things, but I do have friends that I do this stuff w/all the time. So really, to be technical, you're more of an acquaintance than a friend."

He didn't like it-he said, "wow, ok, I'll consider myself 'demoted.'"

Damn straight!

He's written me several times in the course of 3 days to let me know that as an "acquaintance" he can't or won't or some sh*t or another. Think I got to him?? (As I was writing this, he came by again....but didn't touch.) Butthead.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Steelers - SWEET!!!!

Is there anything sweeter than having your team win the SUPERBOWL??!! Well maybe rubbing it in to the Cowboy and Bronco fans that live here....yeah, not as much but a close second. I love my boys and that makes 5!!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

It happened again.....???

Went out last night w/my girlfriend Chris and we had so much fun. We ended up at a bar called Billy's and started playing pool w/Mr. XL and Mr. Mountain Dew. I know at one point they told us their names, but I don't remember them. Mr. XL was my partner and we won 6 out of 7 games 'cause we were on fire. Ok, he was on fire, I sucked but at least I was winning. I loved that MD was my opponent 'cause he and I flirted all night by trying to make each other miss (lots of little nudges and butt bumps). We close the place down and actually start talking to these sweet boys. Yeah, boys....or young men, whatever....we find out XL is 22 and MD is 26. I don't get it. Why can't we find cool guys our age? We left without giving numbers, but man did we have fun.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I’ve officially been tagged….

So I’m reading Ms. Lady H’s comments and she tagged me (saying it indignantly)……Ok, I feel honored and plus it gives me something to write about :). So here goes:

Four Jobs I've Had
1. Bank Teller - several banks, several locations
2. Teller Supervisor - First Hawaiian Bank
3. Secretary for DOD - best job ever! Worked w/pilots in a fixed wing company servicing the generals at the Pentagon. Why was I married then?
4. Budget Analyst - current job - pay is good for someone w/out a college education.

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over Again
1. You’ve Got Mail - still something about getting that email (you know the one).
2. Italian Job - loves me some handsome Jason S. and Mark W.
3. Romancing the Stone - "you mean that time when I saved your ass!"
4. Clueless - "what?? I totally paused."

Four Places I've Lived
1. San Diego, CA
2. Woodbridge, VA
3. Honolulu, HI
4. Asmara, Ethiopia

Four Places I've Vacationed
1. Kaui, HI
2. Victoria Station, Canada
3. Baltimore, MD
4. Massawa, Ethiopia (on the Red Sea)

Four Favorite Dishes
1. Pizza
2. Lasagna (mine and my mom’s)
3. Steak and bake potato (w/salad)
4. Red Chili Cheese Enchiladas (mom’s)

Four Non-Bloggers I Visit Daily
1. Steeler Football Website (especially lately)
2. Fox News
3. My CU website
4. Various catalog websites

Four Places I'd Like To Visit
1. New York
2. Greece
3. Israel
4. Canary Islands

Four People I'm Tagging For This Meme
I’m not going to tag anyone, only because most of the ones I would tag I think have already done this. Thanks Lady H! You're right, it was fun :).

My eight ideal partner requirements…

So I was visiting several blogs yesterday and came across one that had me laughing out loud. Now this blog wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but there’s an immediate disclaimer at the top letting you know whether you’d want to proceed or not. I proceeded and took it with a grain of salt, the way I’ve learned to do in blog land. I love how people write and totally share themselves. This has been lots of fun and I hope to be doing this for awhile. Anyway, I’m gonna steal the idea for this post from Todd….hope he reads it.

8 Requirements are:

1. Loves the Lord.
I know this will turn some off right away, but hear me out. Why not want a man who knows and loves God. I’m sorry but there are a lot of men out there who have no values or morals. I’m not faulting them, it’s our society, but I want someone who believes that God is deity and will want Him to be a focus for our future.

2. I need laughter.
If a man wants to get me interested in him, he has got to make me laugh. And I don’t want Jim Carey humor; I want Joey, Chandler, Ross humor (damn I wanted to be Rachel, Phoebe and Monica)! My friends know that to get me out of any funk, they just gotta make me laugh. Fag knows how to do this (see one of my previous posts about my friends).

3. Challenge me.
I know I have strong opinions and probably no one at this point in my life could change what I know and feel, but lets talk about it. Don’t try to change me, just challenge me and make me think about what it is you’re trying to say. It doesn’t have to be an argument, or that I’m not respecting what you’re saying, just let it be that we agree to disagree.

4. Know who you are.
I can’t stand weak men who feel the need to belittle women because they have no self confidence. Just because you failed at that job, or you failed to provide for your children, or you’re failing with relationships, don’t take it out on me. Figure it out and then start dating – otherwise keep your ass at home.

5. Love this package – embrace it.
I know I’m not every ones cup of tea. I’m short (5’1”), a size 16/18, but I’ve got the right packaging in the right places. My double D’s definitely offset the junk in my trunk. If you don’t like it, don’t bother and definitely don’t try to change it. I’ve been this size for almost 10 years now and until I want to change it, don’t you try to.

6. Be reliable.
If you say you’re gonna do it, then do it. If you say you’ll be there, then be there. If you bet me and you lose, then pay up no matter what. It’s that simple.

7. Be stable.
Have a job and pay your bills. I’ve raised my sons and now that they’re on their own, I don’t feel I need to take care of anyone else. I don’t expect you to have money (although it’d be nice), I just expect that what you do have, you handle it responsibly.

8. Be ready for a horny woman.
There, I’ve said it. Don’t think that just ‘cause I love the Lord, I don’t like sex. (Brit – close your eyes). I can’t wait until someone bones me again, on a consistent basis! I miss and want it so badly, that the man who does get me, will be very satisfied. And I don’t want some pansy who thinks he has to be gentle….

I guess the only other factors that I could add are having a love for music (as long as it’s not country) and having a love for the Steelers (although not required if you already have a team). Well there you go….surprised??