Popsicle Toes

Yup, I have 'em. But everything else is as warm as hot apple pie (it might have something to do w/the peri-menopausal thing going on w/me.)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Should have been all about my BOYS, but actually turned out to be my GIRLS!!

I had one of the best weekends of my life last weekend and it's 'cause I have the best friends EVER!! My beloved boys let me down (and in front of my second most hated team, cowgirls being first), but I have to say, those dang bronco fans were fun. I wanted to not like any of them ('cause that's how I am), but I ended up loving all we encountered (except grumpy 'ole man and woman in front of us who had no business being there). Memories for the book, that's all I gotta say.

it's all about the "towel"

The morning started out with the girls whining big time 'cause it was snowing. You shoulda heard 'em. CRY BABIES!! They annoyed me but thankfully the room we stayed in was a suite so I went to the other room and watched pre-game football highlights and removed myself from the cry baby sally's. They eventually formed a plan that included a trip to Target to buy extra layers of clothing. It only got better from there. We decided to eat fish tacos at Rubios (my favorite fast food restaurant that I thought was only in San Diego), after we loaded up on goodies from Target. We soon headed to Invesco Field. AWESOME!! Found a parking lot right away and met some of the nicest STEELER fans who invited us to tailgate w/them (which we did). But soon it was getting close to game time and I wanted to head in.

me w/girls, holding my cherished ticket

same girls who were whining that morning . . .

our view of "my boys"

i loved being here . . .

quick story . . . this pic was taken after karen (in black coat) fell over the seats in front of us. she was cheering for the broncos after they scored, and she lost her balance. if you look closely, you'll see tears in our eyes from laughing AT HER (that's what she gets).

what else can I say . . .one of my best trips ever!! Got to see my Steelers play!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Could it be . . .

my attitude?? I got pulled over by the military police yesterday (work on a military base) and got wrote up for speeding. Possibly it was my answering her questions sarcastically that I will now be paying an $84 dollar ticket!!

mp: do you know why you've been pulled over?
me: not really . . . (attitudeeee)
mp: you were speeding, going 34 in a 25.
me: that's speeding??? (attitudeeee)

I think it's 'cause I'm a woman and so were both the mp's that pulled me over (you know - we can get kinda bitcy w/each other). Oh yeah, they pulled me over in my work parking lot . . . that was nice too. Hi co-workers, yeah, it's me, getting a ticket . . .

Friday, October 12, 2007

TGIF . . .

Why do we love friday's so much? For me, and this really shows my age, it's 'cause I know I get to sleep in on the weekend. I know to some, sleeping in is a waste of time, but to me, I actually get energized and feel I can take on the new week.

So, here's some more randomness . . .

- next weekend is my girls weekend. we're headed to denver to watch my beloved steelers play the broncos. can't think of anything sweeter than a 'W' for the steelers at invesco field!

- every year in the fall (green chili season) mom stalks up on her stash of fresh chili by peeling and bagging two gunny sacks full. i went and helped her a couple nights ago and so have been eating this delectable treat since. fry up some corn tortillas and add chili and cheese, yummers . . . doesn't take much to make this girl happy.

- baby girl, emma june, turns 8 this weekend. its hard to believe my sons are older, but now my niece is too? it freaks me out that time really does fly, the older i get.

- yesterday at work, a co-worker and i cleaned files out of 10 long file drawers with stuff from 1992. left 12 bags of recyclable paper and 5 trashcans full of crap. budget people . . . we love our paperwork!

- i used to be wonderful w/puzzles (the brain tease type). well this week a girlfriend brought me a nine piece puzzle (3x3 squares) of hot air balloons. it took me three days to figure it out. now granted i am at work and didn't spend more than a few minutes at a time w/it, but three days!!??? sucking brain - she ain't what she used to be.

- i get email from several of the catalogs i buy from on a routine basis. this morning i received one from one of my favs and was finding things i loved. started my list and had the shopping bag filling up, but then, i stopped. i actually stopped and closed it w/out buying anything. weird! i must be going on a trip soon . . . :)

peace out!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Know what sucks?????

NM football, that's what. It so sucks living in New Mexico when you want to watch STEELER football!! You know they're all cowgirl or horse fans who decide this sh*$.....RRGGGGG!!!!