Popsicle Toes

Yup, I have 'em. But everything else is as warm as hot apple pie (it might have something to do w/the peri-menopausal thing going on w/me.)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Friends?? WTH!

In the infamous words of Berger (to Miranda in SATC), "he's just not that in to you."

So after he visits in my office for an hour and then flirts w/me on email, he couldn't understand why his touching me (which he does all the time) made me react w/a puzzled look. "Why the reaction?" he asks. "Because you confuse me - because I honestly don't know where I stand w/you. I feel like you're attracted to me since you do always try to touch me in subtle ways, but you've never called me, you've not asked me out....you confuse me and I don't like being confused."

"A, right now I'm happy being your friend...I hope you are too..."

Yeah, sure, whatever!

I wrote him back after I had the weekend to think about it and said "also, I've had the weekend to think about this friend thing, and so what? Friends can call each other, friends can go out and enjoy each others company, friends can just hang out and watch movies and eat popcorn. I'm not ever expecting that you and I would do any of these things, but I do have friends that I do this stuff w/all the time. So really, to be technical, you're more of an acquaintance than a friend."

He didn't like it-he said, "wow, ok, I'll consider myself 'demoted.'"

Damn straight!

He's written me several times in the course of 3 days to let me know that as an "acquaintance" he can't or won't or some sh*t or another. Think I got to him?? (As I was writing this, he came by again....but didn't touch.) Butthead.


At 5:54 PM, February 08, 2006, Blogger Britney said...

I can't express these feelings in blog world... I'll get in trouble.

Wait for better, he doesn't deserve you.
There, that's my advice of the night.

At 9:12 PM, February 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa-oa here she comes...watch out boy she'll chew you up...

At 12:03 AM, February 09, 2006, Blogger Britney said...

Also... I saw that episode of SitC tonight.
(I TiVo it everyday. It's so, so sad.)
But, I'm gonna have to agree with Miranda (who is my favorite!) that it's very liberating. Instead of trying to decifer mixed signals and will he or won't he call, all that bs, it's nice to just know it's either black or white.
They really are simple beings once you get past that. Morons, but simple.

Am I sounding elitist? Grrrrrreat.

At 7:56 AM, February 09, 2006, Blogger afromabq said...

Brit-you're so beyond your years.

HRH-of course you'd put it to music. And I dig that about you man!! :)

At 5:43 AM, February 10, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

I had friends with benefits. There cool but you both gonna have to want to do that otherwise it dosen't work. It can get real messy when one person whats one thing and the other wants another. People have to be on the same page, so I would just tell him this is where I stand...Kinda of what you did anywhoo..

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