Popsicle Toes

Yup, I have 'em. But everything else is as warm as hot apple pie (it might have something to do w/the peri-menopausal thing going on w/me.)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I’ve officially been tagged….

So I’m reading Ms. Lady H’s comments and she tagged me (saying it indignantly)……Ok, I feel honored and plus it gives me something to write about :). So here goes:

Four Jobs I've Had
1. Bank Teller - several banks, several locations
2. Teller Supervisor - First Hawaiian Bank
3. Secretary for DOD - best job ever! Worked w/pilots in a fixed wing company servicing the generals at the Pentagon. Why was I married then?
4. Budget Analyst - current job - pay is good for someone w/out a college education.

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over Again
1. You’ve Got Mail - still something about getting that email (you know the one).
2. Italian Job - loves me some handsome Jason S. and Mark W.
3. Romancing the Stone - "you mean that time when I saved your ass!"
4. Clueless - "what?? I totally paused."

Four Places I've Lived
1. San Diego, CA
2. Woodbridge, VA
3. Honolulu, HI
4. Asmara, Ethiopia

Four Places I've Vacationed
1. Kaui, HI
2. Victoria Station, Canada
3. Baltimore, MD
4. Massawa, Ethiopia (on the Red Sea)

Four Favorite Dishes
1. Pizza
2. Lasagna (mine and my mom’s)
3. Steak and bake potato (w/salad)
4. Red Chili Cheese Enchiladas (mom’s)

Four Non-Bloggers I Visit Daily
1. Steeler Football Website (especially lately)
2. Fox News
3. My CU website
4. Various catalog websites

Four Places I'd Like To Visit
1. New York
2. Greece
3. Israel
4. Canary Islands

Four People I'm Tagging For This Meme
I’m not going to tag anyone, only because most of the ones I would tag I think have already done this. Thanks Lady H! You're right, it was fun :).