Popsicle Toes

Yup, I have 'em. But everything else is as warm as hot apple pie (it might have something to do w/the peri-menopausal thing going on w/me.)

Monday, September 25, 2006

Blue Monday . . .

What a terrible football weekend....my beloved Steelers are not playing up to par and they better get it together FAST or we're gonna be playing catch up the rest of the year. Big Ben is the key factor in my books. He's off his mark, Hines couldn't catch shit and even my heart throb Troy isn't making any big plays. What is going on w/these men??? Very frustrating to watch.

So, Grey's didn't disappoint. I swear I love that show and for Christina to tell Meredith that she was dark and twisty showed again, that the writers are geniuses. Don't we all have that dark and twisty side though . . . . I hate to admit it but I know my dark side comes out quite often. Like when I see someone fall, why can't I just go help that person, why is it that I immediately laugh (see, D&T); or when I watch a movie like Kill Bill and see an eyeball being plucked from the villains eye as she thrashes on the floor in pain and I'm cracking up while everyone else is watching in horror (D&T); or when I get the email that's titled "how I quit smoking" and it's a quick video showing a handful of people out on a balcony smoking, and some guy is ready to walk out with them, when all of a sudden, the balcony falls off the building with everyone possibly falling to their deaths....yeah, you got it, I'm LOL in my office instead of feeling sorry for all those smokers....(D&T).

I'm not proud of this side of me, but it is who I am. So what makes you D&T??

Monday, September 18, 2006

My girl Pat . . .

So Ms. Patricia turned 50 this weekend and she had a b-day bash at her house. Her family from Taos came and as usual had a feast waiting for us. It was a fun party for me since I got to hang w/my girls and my husband....the Dogology. Guess who also came....my hot engineer....he was fun!!

Here's a few pics from the bash....

dog, me, b-grl and chris (i wish i would have gotten a pic of chris' shoes! HOT!)

me and hot boy....

b-grl w/her daughter (no way does she look 50!)

the cake that chris and I bought for our 3 rules girl! (it was yummy, french vanilla w/pineapple creamcheese filling...)

The rest of the weekend was pretty quiet and uneventful - we like that! I did buy the second season of Grey's and watched the first 6 episodes last night! Can't wait for Thursday!

Friday, September 15, 2006

You play w/fire . . . YGB

It's weird how some things in life turn themselves around. You know, we really have no say with how our lives turn out. Yes, we can make ourselves safe and secure with friends and family, and we can be secure in God's love, but everything else....it's a crap shoot.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

How young is too young??

let's just say . . . ummmmm . . . 30 . . .

is 30 too young??

just asking . . . geez . . .

no seriously, is 30 too young for let's say a 46 year old??

of course we're not talking about me . . . my 46 year old friend . . .

yeah, that's it . . .

so, just taking a general pole . . . what should i tell my friend?


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I did it . . .

I bit the bullet and bought my ticket for Quito Ecuador in November.

My girl Nancy and her husband Fernando, asked me about a month ago to go with them to his hometown. I struggled because of the expense since it's a month before Christmas. I was telling a friend from work why I was hesitating and she told me off. She said "are you crazy!! When will you get another opportunity to travel to another country with someone who knows it." She's right....so I did what any other in debt American would do....put myself more in debt!

I'm so excited!! And anxious! WTH, it's only money.

Friday, September 01, 2006

it's already friday again . . . .

and i got nothing.....work's been a mother bear.....i'm sleep deprived.....i did ask my hot boy to a party (my girl pat's 50th in two weeks), and he said yes.....hmmmmm.....the possibilities.....

no big plans this weekend....going to a wine festival on saturday....possible pool party on monday (yay for holidays).....again, hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!