Popsicle Toes

Yup, I have 'em. But everything else is as warm as hot apple pie (it might have something to do w/the peri-menopausal thing going on w/me.)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I am . . . .

I AM: a mother of a 21 year old today - Steven Anthony born 3:08 a.m. June 28, 1985! How is this possible??

I SAID: "I don't ever want to be pregnant again!!" cry, cry, cry as the doc has his hand up my como se llama, twisting the little buggar because he decided that he didn't like the internal monitor they stuck on his little head....so he decided he'd show them they weren’t going to mess with him in the womb....that was his room!

I WANT: my sons to be happy - to not regret and to make only good choices for themselves.

I NEED: them to be the men of God that I've tried to raise them to be, but do it joyfully, and without guilt, because we all make mistakes.

I WISH: to be married again, to someone I adore and who will adore me. James Dobson wrote "I remember being in Sunday school class when I was young and our teacher told us once to not marry the one you can live with, but the one you can't live without."

I HATE: such a strong word, but just to play along, I'd say I hate the people of this world who bring terror to children, or those who try to terrorize innocent people because of their misguided religious beliefs. Yeah, I hate that.

I MISS: having sex!

I FEAR: growing old without a partner, and not having sex!

I HEAR: that you shouldn't take life so seriously because no one gets out alive anyway!

I WONDER: what my future daughter in laws will be like? My prayer is that they'll be encouraging to both my sons and that they'll always be able to make them laugh.

I REGRET: not being a better wife.

I AM NOT: someone that takes life too seriously...if I can't have fun, what's the point?

I DANCE: best with my girls...dogology, fag and gebes are the best dance partners a girl could ask for.

I SING: horribly, but I play a mean air bass guitar!

I AM NOT ALWAYS: in the mood to talk. Sometimes people need to recognize the signs and stay away.

I MAKE: a mean lasagna!

I WRITE: because it soothes me.

I CONFUSE: myself....all the time....over analyzing.

I SHOULD: exercise more often...just walking to get my heart rate going. I know I'd feel better.

I START: every morning with a poop! No constipation here!

I FINISH: every night with a face wash, teeth brushed and a thanks to God for my life.

I BELIEVE: in the Lord Jesus Christ. He's my savior and I'll see him someday!

I KNOW: this is true because His word is real. Just the mention of His name invokes real passion from those who know him and those who don't.

I CAN: do anything if I set my mind to it, I just choose not to put my mind to some of those things that feel like a man should do them.

I CAN'T: lose weight...I've kept it the same for over 10 years (give or take 5 lbs.) but maybe it's more of I just don't want to make that commitment 'cause I know how hard it was last time I did it.

I SEE: so much better now that lasik surgery became a part of my life almost two years ago. I was legally blind before the surgery.

I BLOG: because my baby girl (ms. Brit) got me addicted. She's truly one of the most gifted writers out there in blog land.

I READ: to take me to another place - so mostly fiction.

I AM AROUSED BY: an engineer who visits quite often...that smile, those eyes, that ass....and forget about those emails!

IT PISSES ME OFF: when a stupid ass driver decides she ('cause it usually is) wants to drive in the fast lane instead of moving her stupid slow ass over to let me get by!

I FIND: that when I'm down, I can call any one of my friends and they'll either join me in my funk or they'll get me out of it and either way, it's all good!

I LIKE: to try new foods...going to new restaurants and enjoy trying new wines.

I LOVE: the thought of being in love. I also love the beach and will be there in two days!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Something easy . . . .

I was blog surfing and ran across this and thought, why not....

1. Grab the book nearest you, turn to page 18 and find line 4.
Dreamality, Bob Coy: In God's foreknowledge He knew that with the free will He had given humanity, they would disobey Him. (yikes)

2. Stretch out your left arm as far as you can. What can you touch?
My keyboard, several pens, my coffee cup, my Steeler water mug, my phone, my notepad....can you tell I'm at work!

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Fox news...I wake up to it every morning. But of course last night I watched a rerun of Grey's Anatomy....I think I missed this episode before because I've never seen Cristina cry like that and man did it crack me up, even though it was supposed to be serious....but wasn't it funny when her friends looked at her like she was a freak for crying and yet earlier they were saying she was a freak for not crying. I love that show!

4. Without looking, guess what time it is.
8:10 a.m.

5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
8:07 a.m.

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
I'm playing Creed's greatest hits CD....Higher is one of my favorite songs....here's part of the lyrics...."When dreaming I'm guided through another world, time and time again, at sunrise I fight to stay asleep 'cause I don't want to leave the comfort of this place 'cause there's a hunger, a longing to escape from the life I live when I'm awake...so let's go there, let's make our escape, come on, let's go there, let's ask can we stay? Can you take me higher? To the place where blind men see, can you take me higher? to the place with golden streets...."

I can only think of one place like this and heaven calls my name every day, and I can't wait!!

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
About two hours ago. I was coming to work - boring.

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
I actually worked for an hour then decided to check out my daily blogs.

9. What are you wearing?
Brown capris w/a tan and turquoise top, brown and turquoise sandals and silver and turquoise jewelry.

10. Did you dream last night?
HAH!! I always dream.

11. When did you last laugh?
a couple of seconds ago...actually, this morning reading an email from a friend.

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
It's a cubie, not a room - I have a mural of pics of my nephew on one side, an ode to family and friends via pics on two other walls, along w/plants, binders, all the work related stuff to look kinda professional. Clock, calendar and a framed poster on another.

13. Seen anything weird lately?
Haven't seen my girlfriend fag in while, so no, not lately.

14. What do you think of this quiz?
It's easy 'cause I don't really have to think on a Monday.

15. What is the last film you saw?
Nacho Libre w/dog and her niece and nephews....Jack Black is sooo stinking funny. I laughed just typing his name!

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
A house on the beach in Carlsbad, CA.

17. Tell me something about you that I don't know.
I'm actually shy.

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt and politics, what would you do?
I'd make men be the men of God we (women) need them to be!

19. Do you like to dance?
Who doesn't!!

20. George Bush??
Love him....he's a no-nonsense, get the shit done kind of politician that I'd support every time!

21. Imagine your first child is a girl.
Mikey a girl....hummm, yeah, can't do it. He's all boy/man!

22. Imagine your first child is a boy.
Easy button....

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
You mean again....only if I were with a special man that wanted to take me.

24. What would you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gate?
"Enter in my good and faithful servant...."

25. 3 people who must also do this quiz in their blog:
Well, they don't HAVE to do it, but I'm going to tag Normie, KC and the brat!

Friday, June 23, 2006

No sleep = no brain waves . . . .

I've been feeling like crap for two days now and the only good thing that's come out of it was my boy felt bad for me. He called me and asked if he could bring me back something since he was headed out to run errands for lunch....I said crackers would be good (my stomie wasn't doing well and I've had a persistent neck ache which shoots pain the the back of my right eye). Anyway, after our staff meeting yesterday, I came back to find on my desk, a care package consisting of pedialyte (I had told him I hate gatorade - and believe me, pedialyte has the same "YUK" factor as gatorade), saltine crackers, a package of gummy lifesavers, a package of cream savers and a pack of gum. How sweet was that! As you can tell, it doesn't take much to please me.

I think I sweated out whatever has been trying to hang on because last night, I was soaking wet when I woke up, and it wasn't the good sweat! :) Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

You're killing me Smalls . . . .

My sister Robin always says things backwards . . . she just called to tell me that my other sister is having a baby girl (she had her ultrasound yesterday) but she said it like this . . .

robin - "well, the apple doesn't have a core..."
me - "huh???"
robin - "the apple doesn't have a core..."
me - "what are you talking about??"
robin - "teresa's having a girl..."
me - "you're such a dork, you mean the apple doesn't have a stem..."

We both laughed so hard . . . she kills me! Anyway, it's a girl!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

How cute is this boy . . .

My baby sis just sent me new pics of my two year old nephew this morning and I've got to share 'em! He loves "locket milk" for breakfast every morning, so this is his first request as soon as he wakes up!

They (sis, hubbie and babe) were in Germany for Mr. Nathan's 2nd birthday, but it didn't stop daddy from making him his cake!

I'm so in love w/this child....I hate that he's soooo far away! By the way, we're going to find out today if sis is currently baking a baby girl or another boy....

Thursday, June 15, 2006

All in the numbers . . . .

I don't have any rhyme or reason why I love numbers, but I do. Like this morning, I woke up cold because I had forgotten to turn off my AC before falling asleep and I looked at the clock and it was 12:34. I love that. Don't have any reason to love that, but I do. It's like I've told you before, my boys and I wish when we see the time 11:11. Don't know why, we just made it up.

Lately I've been really busy w/work, and in case you hadn't read my profile, I'm a budget analyst...I work w/numbers all day. We just finished a huge project and the team I work with, is amazing. Between the four of us, step one of this project has been completed and we balanced to the penny. And I'm not talking thousands of dollars, I'm talking millions. I'm bragging, I know, but sometimes you gotta toot your own horn. All right, I'll quit now.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Here comes the bride . . .

I love weddings. The wedding I went to this past weekend for my friend Teresa, was just beautiful. She choose a simple but elegant setting to have it at, and everything about it was tasteful. From her colors (brown, pink and cream), to the garden setting at an Inn, to her caterer, to the table setting. Some women just know how to plan the details. Teresa did such a great job.

When I married my now ex in 1981, my sister-in-laws planned everything. I just showed up at a house that was someone's I didn't even know, some minister married us and we had a small reception. Of course, all three of my girls were there, but looking back, what kind of wedding was that??

Oh well, here's a couple of pics from Teresa and Phil's wedding, starting w/the garden setting . . .

the bride and groom . . .

her buds were there to party . . .

Most of the girls you see in the picture of us on the dance floor, started a club years ago called the birthday club. We used to meet for happy hour for every b-day and because of this, we've become good friends. Since most in this group are married now, we don't meet as often, but when I see them, I still enjoy their company. They're warm and friendly and would give you the shirt off their backs. (I want to point out my friend Patricia since I mentioned her before as being one of my Vegas girls....she's in the bottom pic in the turquoise shirt. She's a hoot and pretty special....she's afraid of me though....like I'm a bad influence or something??) :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

It pays to whine . . .

I know I haven't been posting, but work has been kicking my ass!!

Anyway, our trip to Austin was starting out great....that is until I see Mr. Policeman turn around in his vehicle and put his lights on me. Now get this....I'm following behind my sister (she's driving my aunt's car) and another vehicle is ahead of her that she's been following so we're cruising along just fine....just a little over the speed limit.

So Mr. Officer comes up to my window and asks "do you know why I pulled you over?" In my most whiney voice, I responded "well I can guess . . . but I was just following them (pointing to the cars that have now left me in the dust)!!!

He actually laughed and said I was going 81 in a 70, then asked where I was headed....and of course, if you can imagine my voice getting anymore whiney, (it actually did)....I responded "to Austin for my cousin's graduation, but I'll probably be late now." He's still smiling, takes my license and goes to his car.

Comes back with a warning and tells me to SLOW DOWN...."yes sir, I will........NOT!!!"

Swear to goodness, coming back home, we got clocked again - this time my sister. That officer was so ready to turn on us - he had us locked and had even pulled over to turn around, but I don't know if it was us staring at him with our most sad faces or what, but he didn't come after us. We got spared, twice!! Anyway, it does pay to whine.