I probably shouldn't . . . .
but, I'm gonna...post while I'm intoxicated...I will have several of my friends shake their heads....but, it won't be the first time.
I went out with my Vegas girls tonight and by the grace of God, I'm home safe. I'm still buzzed and should not have driven home, but I've always pushed the limit. I don't know why, but dogology did remind me last night that I have a rebellious side.
I do.
I've had it since I was a sophomore in high school. If you do the math, it's been over 30 years. It started the summer of '76, when my cousin Geri (aka Jetz...as in Benny and the Jetz), took me to the beach and got me drunk on Tyrolia wine. I started lying to my parents that year. I lied to them about my first true love, Harry Cash, my sophomore year. Why....because he was black. My parents raised me believing that we were all equal, but in my heart I knew they wouldn't approve.
They didn't.
But Harry taught me something that my parents could never teach me. He taught me to love with my heart and not be afraid of the color of our skin. I wish I knew where he is - how he is...if he's happy. He impacted my life. I wonder if he even knows how much. He was the best kisser. I think he started my love/fetish for lips.
I've made lots of mistakes with men in my life, but loving Harry wasn't one of them. I honestly didn't start writing this post with him in mind, but for whatever reason, I'm dedicating this moment to him....
much love HC....I hope you're well....
Hahahahaha... posting drunk. Oh my gosh. Never done that before. That's a true first Tia.
and do you see why this isn't a good habit to get into. i sound like a soppy wet rag....
i'm feeling bad today too....hangovers....ughhhhh....
friends shouldn't let friends blog drunk
oh...and the lecture part of my comments will be available on cd in the lobby
LMAO... HRH you crack me up. It's like humor, with a dose of guilt-tripping sarcasm.
I think I post deunk most of the time...Cheers to loving and to have loved.
Still LingOL... Oh brother. Do you have a moment dedicated to me? How 'bout KT? or Lucy? You dedicated your DUI escape and DBI (Drunk Blogging Incident) to your first boyfriend from 30 years ago? You kill me. And KT, like Brit, you crack me up. Yep, soppy wet rag nails it. Dedicate my moment sober, would ya. Still heart you.
hi normie, yeah, i guess it happens...hopefully not often.
fag, i ain't buying your cd...
brit, she's not that funny....
sugar, you must because like i've told you before, i can't figure out half the shit you write :).
dog, this whole dang blog site it dedicated to you...have you seen how many pics i've posted of you?? have you noticed i write about YOU often?? have you noticed the toes at the top?? you're so annoying on so many levels...but i heart you too!
I'm flipping surprised I'm not drunk commenting....does having a slight hangover count?...uggghhh Mondays.
I may have to try this! (The drunk blogging, but not drunk driving...be safe next time, please!)
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