Popsicle Toes

Yup, I have 'em. But everything else is as warm as hot apple pie (it might have something to do w/the peri-menopausal thing going on w/me.)

Monday, March 13, 2006

I want to sleep in, but . . . .

I really need to slow down - I'm so exhausted this a.m. and feel a wellness day coming on soonly!

Anyway, Thursday night, rushed out of work to make it across town to watch the semi-finals of a girls basketball game. One of my best friend's husband coaches a high school team and their season has been amazing. They won that night so next night was state finals.

Friday woke up and wanted to sleep all day (I have every other Friday off), but knew I needed to spend time w/mom (she's been feeling neglected) so called her and we did the shopping at Costco, run errands and the movie thing (saw Failure to Launch w/Matthew - he was gorgeous, the movie was just ok). After I dropped her off later in the evening, I went and picked up girlfriends and we went to dinner before going to the game. Does anyone love Pei Wei as much as we do? Anyway, the game was at 8:00 p.m. and I was already tired, but the game actually energized me 'cause it was awesome. They won and my friend's husband got his just due. He's been coaching the girls at this high school for 10 years and has come close, but his team finally took state. We're so proud of him and his coaching staff, and then those girls...they wanted it and never let go of their lead. After, we went out to eat and then went to one of the coach’s house to celebrate. Needless to say, a long night, into the wee morning hours.

Saturday, woke up and wanted to sleep all day, but couldn't again because in my infinite wisdom, I invited my friends over for a dinner party that night. You know what that meant....I started my sauce for lasagna and then went shopping for everything else. I made a salad, bruschetta and artichoke/spinach dip for appetizers, garlic bread and strawberry shortcake for dessert. I felt like I was cooking all day...and if I wasn't cooking, I was cleaning. I pulled it off, because at 5:00 that evening, all the girls showed up and everything was ready. I started them all w/pomegranate martini's...they were yummy! A couple of the girls stayed late, so again, a late night for me.

So it's Sunday, I want to sleep in, but my dad calls and wants me to meet him at the arts and crafts show so that I can help him decide if he should buy some pieces he saw the day before. No sleeping in - must get to church - must meet pops! I felt like the Dunkin Donuts guy. So, that wasn't enough for me....no, I had to invite my family over for dinner since I had leftovers. It wasn't that bad actually, since everything was already made. I just had to warm things up and make more bread. Things were going great, until my mom decides to make her snide comment about me not liking her food (anything New Mexican which means anything w/chili). First let me tell you that my mom is the best cook EVER. There isn't anything that I don't love of hers. It started (the discussion that led to an argument, that led to disgust, that led to having the thoughts of "please go home now" which led to why????) because I was telling her and my sister about the salsa that my girlfriend makes (the best ever - she also makes the best guacamole) and my mom blurts out how I've never liked her cooking. She then changes it to say anything w/heat (meaning chili), which is a crock since she taught me how to cook. Oh man, for the rest of the night I had to listen to "poor me, I'm so neglected." Can you tell we have a love/hate relationship. She is a great mom, she's just not a great friend.

Anyway, they left half-way thru Desperate Housewives, which was good since I especially was looking forward to Greys last night. My poor sister was the mediator between us, but honestly, I just agreed to the negative my mom has to say about me. I quit fighting w/her years ago, even though she still tries to find fault with me. If I'm sounding bitter, I'm really not, I have learned I will never be what my mom wants me to be - we are on different planes spiritually, politically, and everything in between.

So, my weekend kept me busy, and I'm tired, but I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

Happy Monday everyone.


At 12:39 PM, March 14, 2006, Blogger afromabq said...

Normie-so you have one them too?? :)


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