Popsicle Toes

Yup, I have 'em. But everything else is as warm as hot apple pie (it might have something to do w/the peri-menopausal thing going on w/me.)

Friday, January 06, 2006

A sister . . .

I’m the oldest of four and if you ask my siblings, they’ll tell you I’m the bossiest. Aren’t we supposed to be?

Binnie (Robin) came four years after me and poor thing – I couldn’t stand her. When she was old enough to start following me around, she was at my heels and I would do everything I could to ditch her. Part of this dislike is that I was already close to my cousin who is three weeks older than I, so we were raised as sisters (we’re still very close). Poor Bin, we were so mean to her – we would act like we could speak Spanish to each other and point at her and laugh. I know – we were the epitome of ‘mean girls.’ But now, I adore her. Not only is she my sister by blood, she’s one of my best friends. My son’s think she’s the perfect Tia (Spanish for Aunt) since she’s the one that first started taking them to R-rated movies. When I first found out about this, she got the new nickname of “bad Tia.” She’s so bad, that she put the movie “Jurassic Park” on for my niece (who was three at the time) and left her to watch it by herself. Yup, my niece was terrified but eventually got over it. But who leaves a three year old alone watching that type of movie? The “bad Tia,” that's who. Anyway, Bin is a saint in disguise and anyone who meets her, loves her (except some of those jealous bitches she works with since she’s a police dispatcher supervisor). Some of those women – whew – they be the true mean girls!

Paul Joe came 10 years later and he was so damn cute. Maybe ‘cause he was the first (and only) boy, he got lots of attention from his sisters. He’s a pain in the ass now, but again, I really love him. He’s very driven. He’s been selling commercial real estate for over 10 years now and is part owner of a club in Vegas called OPM in Caesars Forum Shops. He gave us our only niece 6 years ago but unfortunately, he didn’t stay married to her mother. Marriage – it’s so hard.

Bone (Teresa Lynn) came 12 years later and she was a surprise to mom and dad. She’s our Ethie girl (she was born in Ethiopia). She took on the baby roll and still plays that card to this day. She’s such a baby :). Boney is an awesome mom – her son came along a year and half ago and he is one of the funniest babies I’ve ever seen. I can’t give him justice trying to describe his personality, but he walks around just jabbering and makes faces at everything and everyone. It’s odd, but sooo funny. Anyway, Bone is my baby sister, but again, is one of my best friends.

So, I’m a sister. I can’t imagine my life without my siblings. Plus, we need each other to take the heat off when our parents feel the need to find fault w/us . . .


At 11:18 AM, January 06, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

It nice to have a big family. I know I like it.

At 3:59 PM, January 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eeww that is pic is nasty!!!!!!!!


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