Popsicle Toes

Yup, I have 'em. But everything else is as warm as hot apple pie (it might have something to do w/the peri-menopausal thing going on w/me.)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A little about me . . .

1. What is your first name? Annette
2. Are you named after anyone? Nope
3. Do you wish on stars? Only on the first star or if I see a shooting star; also my boys and I think that when we see the time 11:11 on the clock, we get to wish on that, and of course when we blow out candles. I totally believe in making wishes.
4. When did you last cry? ????
5. Do you like your handwriting? No, I write messy.
6. What is your favorite lunch meat? Ham
7. What is your birth date? February 9th.
8. What is your most embarrassing music CD? I don't get this question?
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? Definitely.
10. Do you have a journal? I just started blogging - does that count.
11. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Doesn't everyone?
12. What are your nicknames? Net, Netters, Nettie, Dog, Dogalogy, Net-pooh
13. Would you bungee jump? Absolutely not!
14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Nope.
15. Do you think that you are strong? In a girly kinda way. Like I don't want to learn how to connect my AC, so that's when I act weak. And I don't want to drag the Christmas tree from the shed, so I act weak . . . you get it . . .
16. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? B&J's Cherry Garcia
17. Shoe Size? 7 or 7 1/2 - just depends on the shoe - just bought 3 pair on the 1st, since Shoes on a Shoestring change their prices at the beginning of each month. Got some good ones :).
18. Red or pink? Red
19. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? My negative thoughts.
20. Whom do you miss most? Both my grannies!
21. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? I'd love it, but know it won't happen (this says this 'cause it went out originally as an email).
22. What color pants, shirt and shoes are you wearing? No pants, black and white skirt w/black shirt and black and white shoes - silver jewelry :).
23. What are you listening to right now? Michael Franks - the Art of Tea (gift from my boyz).
25. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Today - orange.
26. What is the weather like right now? Beautiful sunshine in ABQ (but we better get some moisture soon).
27. Last person you talked to on the phone? Vicky - we asked her to go to the movies w/us last night.
28. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Lips.
29. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yup, she's my bud.
30. Favorite drink? Water
31. Favorite Sport? Football - how 'bout them Steelers! Then baseball.
32. Hair Color? Brown
33. Eye Color ? Brown
34. Do you wear contacts? Not any more . . . good 'ole lasik.
35. Favorite Food? Pizza
36. Last Movie You Watched? Munich - pretty good - thought provoking . . .
37. Favorite Day of the Year? the 9th of Feb. :)
38. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings? Happy endings - I don't get the scary thing - who wants to get scared?
39. Summer Or Winter? Summer (and water).
40. Hugs OR Kisses? Both
41. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? Mom's fudge but now my sis made "hello Vicky's" for Christmas and they were wonderful. Just ask Vic.
42. What is your favorite Music? Mostly I like everything but country.
43. Living Arrangements?? For the first time, by myself in my little townhouse - I love it.
44. How far away from home have you traveled? Asmara, Ethiopia
45. Have you been in another country? See above.
46. Do you like animals? Sure, but don't want any - that would mean I would have to be responsible for something.
47. If you could go anywhere on a dream vacation? Canary Islands in the summer, or Mediterranean Cruise.