Popsicle Toes

Yup, I have 'em. But everything else is as warm as hot apple pie (it might have something to do w/the peri-menopausal thing going on w/me.)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

You've just entered into . . . .

the Twilight Zone . . .(que in music . . . )

My boy thinks I'm scary....his words...."you're scary mom."

I love that I have a sixth sense about my sons. Last night I'm driving home and think of my baby, so I call him. But first let me tell you that he was supposed to take his new/used vehicle to a friend's shop for him to check out our purchase two weekends ago....

Me: "Hey boy - whatcha doing?"
Son: "Just going to dinner w/Bo....what are you doing?"
Me: "What did Dale say about your truck?"
Son: "He hadn't finished looking at it, so he's keeping it overnight."
Me: "Ok, so you won't have a vehicle tomorrow?"
Son: "He'll call me in the morning....Mom, did you know I just got off the phone with him just three minutes before you called?"
Me: "Seriously??"
Son: "Seriously....you're scary Mom....I don't know how you do that."
Me: evil laugh, throws her head back....MUUUUAAAHHHHH.

I've done this thing w/him so many times in our lifetime that I almost think I do scare him (que in music again . . . ), which isn't a bad thing in my books!!! :)


At 6:56 PM, May 11, 2006, Blogger Jerrster said...

OK...here is the deal I fathered and raised two wonderful children...there is one thing that is for certain...I torture them...I don't think I scare them unless of course they happen to catch any Jenjur posts (they don't read my blog--I don't think anyway) but it has always been my job to torture them in only the best of Crazy DAD ways....Like telling them that if they give blood they wont have to pay a speeding ticket...just tell the cop you give blood and that you are on the "BloodGivers" data base and that he should look it up.
...or...the yelping Coyotes in the hills above our house just caught a kid. I know that one freaked them out good.

At 7:48 PM, May 11, 2006, Blogger ThursdayNext said...

Sadly, I am developing a sixth sense with my teenage students. One was cutting the other day, so I went right to the cafeteria where he was eating a bagel. Boy, was he scared and cowered. :)

At 9:30 PM, May 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i see dead people.

At 9:00 AM, May 12, 2006, Blogger afromabq said...

normie-my friends would say it's 'cause i'm psycho...thank you for the mother's day wish!! very sweet!

jerry-thank goodness they don't read your blog...although, they'd probably crack up like we do. good one about telling them that they give blood, that's funny!

thursday-i don't know how you do it. i could NEVER be a teacher. my girlfriend is at a high school and she was just telling me yesterday that she asked these bratty girls to move to another area where she could watch them and they started questioning her, telling her she was dumb for making them move. i would have decked them. no patience...could not be a teacher. i really respect you guys who can do it!

anon-you're such a dork! as long as you don't start talking to them, i guess we're ok.


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